Carleton Rode Village Hall

Council Archive

April 26, 2022 - 02:19:42

Fir Covert Community Wood now has its own page on the website, and lots of photos on the gallery page 



Three vacant positions on Carleton Rode Parish Council were filled by co-option at the meeting held on Tuesday 14th May.

Councillors are Mr. Jamie Chandler, Mrs. Susan Dennis, Mr. Kevin Greenwood, Mr. John Laurie, Dr. Barbara Slater, Mr. Roger Sparrow and Mr. Robin Thatcher


Parish Councils

Parish Councils were set up on 1 March 1894 by an Act of Parliament and Carleton Rode Parish Council met for the first time at the Workman’s Rest just before Christmas of that year. The new council agreed to pay one shilling and six pence for fire and light each time it met and the clerk was ordered ‘to buy a tin box for the purpose of keeping all parish books and documents’.

Things have changed a lot since then – certainly documents are no longer stored in a tin box. Parish councils are the smallest and most local rung of local government in England. Based on the population of the parish, Carleton Rode has a membership of seven and the only paid employee is the clerk. The council has modest but important powers which allow it to support the community and reflect the views of parishioners. For example, in planning matters the parish council is consulted on applications within the parish or near its boundary before the matter is determined by South Norfolk Council or Norfolk County Council. The council also has some fund-raising powers and each year it sets its precept requirement. This is the smallest of the four elements which make up the council tax bill. It was raised to £2,000 for 2015-2016 and that is one of the lowest in South Norfolk. In recent years the council has spent around £3,500 per year although there are ups and downs.

There were no elections for the Parish Council in May 2019 since the number of candidates was fewer than the seven seats available (see above)..

Carleton Rode Parish Council usually meets on a two-monthly cycle with extra meetings called as necessary. Meetings are held in the Village Hall, usually on a Tuesday evening, and at each meeting there is an opportunity for parishioners to come along and raise their concerns or give their views on local matters.

The current members of the parish council are:

    • Mrs S. Dennis, Rode Lane

    • Mr J. Laurie [chairman], Hall Road

    • Mr K. Greenwood, Ash Lane

    • Dr B. Slater, Mill Road

    • Mr R. Sparrow, Fen Road

    • Mr J. Chandler, Mile Road

    • Mr R. Thatcher, Rode Lane


The council’s e-mail address is

Below are the draft minutes of the last meeting of Carleton Rode Parish Council, which was held on Tuesday 14 May 2019; also included are minutes for the annual meeting and the annual parish meeting, which were held on the same day, and the draft minutes of the meeting which took place on Tuesday 12 March 2019.





The documents below are posted here as a legal requirement regarding financial transparency. All relate to the financial year 2018-2019.


The following documents relate to the Parish Council annual audit 2016-17 and are published as part of the transparency code relating to Parish Councils

Items below relate to 2015/16

Carleton Rode Parish Council Transparency Statement 30 June 2016